Deb at San Diego Momma tagged me for this "10 Random Things" meme.
If you blog, check out Deb's post on "The Five Stages of Blogging". Her PrompTUESDAY exercises are a fun, pressure-free way to challenge creative writing skills. Her site is a safe environment, with one of the nicest, welcoming community of bloggers I've stumbled upon. I'm sure there are many more out there, but it's refreshing to feel comfortable and encouraged, not judged or excluded while wading in the blog waters.
My 10 random things:
1. Driving - I've had 24 moving violations and been in five car accidents. [Alcohol has never been involved in any of these incidents.] The reason I can still legally drive is that the tickets span 25 years, they were in multiple states, most when I was younger and able to fly under radar with points and insurance. I'm not an aggressive driver, just unlucky (maybe a bit distracted too). I get caught at everything I attempt that even slightly breaks a rule. All of the accidents were my fault and resulted in multiple tickets. I was only injured once, and have never injured anyone else - maybe a little whiplash. Dad was thrilled when I married Chris so he wouldn't have to insure me. I have no business behind the wheel of a car.
2. Geography - I'm terrible at geography. I have no idea where I am on the planet - ever. North, south, east and west are up, down, right and left to me.
3. Hoop Skirts and Canopy Beds - When I was a little girl my Mamaw (Hoosier for grandma) would ask what I'd like her to bring me back from a trip. I always requested a hoop skirt like Anna wore in The King and I. When asked what I wanted for Christmas or a birthday, I asked my Grandmother Fisher (who I simply called Grandmother) for a canopy bed. Sadly, they remain unfulfilled wants.
4. Yul Brynner - I fell in love with Yul Brynner in the early 1970's, about the same time I wanted to be a stripper, after watching him dance with Anna. He still melts my butter.
5. Shrimp - I no longer eat shrimp since my brother Mallory Joe described them as "cockroaches of the sea". I can't get the visual out of my mind.
6. Airplanes - I worked for an airline before we had kids. I'm not a pilot (I wasn't a flight attendant either) but worked in pilot training. I've had the opportunity to fly a B737, B757, and an A320 full flight simulator.
7. Who am I? - I often feel like I'm playing too many roles in life. All the faces I wear for various friends and family members. If the worlds collided, I might be discovered for the phony that I am.
8. Tricks - I don't have many, but I'd love to learn to tap dance and play the drums.
9. Aromas - Smells fascinate me. I smell dirty socks, sniff stains on the carpet, and can identify a stranger's perfume/cologne. I have a good sniffer. As anyone who's been pregnant knows, sense of smell heightens while with child. Chris and I were hiking in Arizona when I was 5 months pregnant with Oldest Boy. Chris was in front of me. I smelled stink and barked, "Did you fart?". Chris said, "Nooooo. But I'm sure someone in Colorado did."
10. Massages - I don't enjoy professional massages. I've tried. I'll try again - maybe. I can't relax naked, while a stranger touches me everywhere. I've tried wearing my underwear - still awkward.
Enough about me. Let's see if we can get Mary at Unmitigated, Kate at The Big Piece of Cake, Joanne at Joe Girl, and Corbie at Random Musings to play... or anyone else who feels inspired.